Friday, December 15, 2006

December 14, 2006

Hours: 11:00 - 12am

I just spent an hour setting up everything and getting my presentation in order. I also added a few slides on the President's Apartments along with some extra pictures. I'm really pleased with the outcome.

December 13, 2006 (kristen)

Hours: 1:00 - 5:00

I started out by heading over to Sutton Hall to see what i could find out. I had a few lingering questions and I hoped I could get into the blue room to snap some pictures for the presentation. In regards to my questions, i was sent up to room 325 to see Michelle Fryling. She was absolutely great! My questions weren't answered, but she did managae to get me into the CLOSED museum to get some pictures and a personal tour of the President's Apartments. After getting all the information I could, along with pictures, and even a request for my presentation!! (Nancy, the secretary to the Assistant to the President would like a copy of my project, if you could send her one?? She thought that if it was good, they could put it up on their website. Thanks!) I headed back to my room to work on the presentation.

I put together my whole presentation that night which ended up taking about 3 hours. I'm a perfectionist.

Monday, December 11, 2006

December 8, 2006

Hours: 1:30 - 3:30

I tried to find anything on Sutton and Thomas Sutton Halls in the Indiana Gazette for 1903. I honestly spent 2 hours down there rocking out to the iPod and found absolutely nothing but a few blurbs of irrelevant things. Ugh.

Saturday, December 09, 2006


I have begun keeping a journal of my own...this whole thing was my idea...i just didnt follow up with it...oh well.


Tuesday, December 05, 2006

December 4, 2006 (ashley)

Hours: 10:30 - 2:00

I went to the library and reviewed the disc which Dr. Ricketts has given us, I looked at the pictures and from there decided which would be the best to be used in the power point presentation. I then read the newspaper articles on Keith Hall, and took down notes which could be utilized on my presentation.

I then viewed microfilm from 1930's through the 1940's. I found useful information on the dedication, biographical information on Dr. John A. Keith's purpose at IUP, and some more pictures that were already scanned to the disc.

I also began my powerpoint.

Friday, December 01, 2006

December (!!) 1, 2006 (kristen)

Hours: 11:00 - 2:30

*Looking through the Homage and Love book by Juliette and Landon for more information on Sutton Hall (and possibly the dates of Thomas Sutton Hall)

- found many pictures that will be useful for both John and Thomas Sutton Halls, having them scanned for presentation.
- still no dates on Thomas Sutton Hall.

*Looking through the Juliette Collection, RG 78, Prints, box 5

- found multiple pictures to be scanned

*Checking out "The Indiana Story 1875-1975"

- page 157: "[Dr. Waller] and the Board had begun in 1895 to plan for the erection of 'a separate building [to be used] only for kitchen, dining room, and laundry,' but it was not until 1903 that the State appropriated $75,000 for the erection of two buildings, the Thomas Sutton Dining Room, Music Rooms, and Laundry, and the Jane E. Leonard Recitation Hall."

Wednesday, November 29, 2006


Nick and I went to the library to do research and looked though some of the Indiana Gazette articles. It was harder to find information about the campus since it is a town news paper and not the Penn. We spent about an hour and a half going though them and didn't come up with much becides articles about the town and the local goings on which provided for some funny remarks.

Monday, November 27, 2006

November 27, 2006 (ashley)

Meeting: November 27,2006
Present: Ashley, Kristen, Nick, Matt, Fridg (our Mascot), Francois, TJ, etc. etc.
Location: The Commonplace Coffeehouse
Time: 10:30-11:30

Convening at the Commonplace Coffeshouse, we discussed our research projects and the information each of us have found in our respective research. Each of the members have found a good amount of information, but we have yet to tie it in all together in power point form. We plan on utilizing the microfilm for pictures and further information on our projects.

The meeting was motioned to adjourn (by fridg), after the stories of thanksgiving break seemed to be more enthralling than that of our project.